1/17 |
Trippy is pregnant. The Dr estimates 9 pups. 4 more weeks to go until her due date. |
1/31 |
Trippy at 7 weeks along. 2 weeks to go.
2/7 |
Trippy at 8 weeks along. Less than 1 week to go. |
2/13 |
The puppies have arrived. The first pup was born Wednesday night at 11, the rest were delivered on Thursday. Delivery sort of stalled out after a partially stuck pup was finally delivered. A trip to the vet got the last 2 or 3 out. Turned out there was a 4th pup so the total is 10 - 3 males and 7 females. The males have red, dark blue and black rick rack. All the other colors are girls. It was an all-nighter and everyone was glad to make it back home and try to catch some sleep. Trippy is tired but doing a great job taking care of the babies. Puppies I
Puppies II
2/14 |
Happy Valentines Day. The chocolates are doing great, eating constantly and some have even put on a couple of ounces. Their dew claws will be removed this afternoon. Trippy is doing well, loving the extra food with yogurt and anything thing else she wants or needs.
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates - The Movie
2/15 |
Another snowy day. The pups are all doing well and nursing constantly. They are starting to fill out and aren't looking like newborns as much.
Picture of the day.
2/16 |
The pups are growing like weeds. I had to let out the collar on the red boy. Will need to do the same for a couple of others tomorrow. The first pool was getting rather tight so the pups were moved to the big pool this evening. Now Trippy can stretch out a bit more.
Working it .
2/17 |
The new pool gives everyone more room. Trippy can really stretch out and nooze.
New Pool ,
Mound of Chocolate .
2/18 |
The pups have a very thick undercoat already and they all have nice otter tails. They are up on their feet, with their bellies off the ground, more than I expected for less than a week old. And they can move pretty fast too when they want to. I'll try to get a movie of that if I can.
Getting crowded ,
A shot from behind .
2/20 |
The pups are a week old today!! The biggest is the multi-colored girl at 1 lb 14oz and the light blue girl at 1 lb 7oz is the smallest. Of course things change daily. It still amazes me that they can grow this fast in just 7 days.
First group snoozing.
Second group snoozing.
Sucking down the milk ,
Food fight ,
Blue boy snoozing .
2/21 |
Another blizzard. We only lost power for an instant, yeah! Two pups, multi girl and dark blue boy are now 2 lbs. The rest aren't far behind. The black boy has a new "big boy" collar on. His rick rack couldn't be let out anymore.
Over crowded ,
The boys bonding .
2/21 |
Two more pups are now 2 lbs - green and teal girls.
Breakfast this morning . A movie I took 2 days ago and sent to my grand daughter.
2/23 |
Pups moving around getting
hungry . Pups frantic when they know Mom is around.
2/25 |
Pups are doing great, everyone is now over 2lbs. Of course the big ones are a good 2.5 lbs. The pups are interacting with mom and each other more. Morning
chocolate pile . Moving around and interacting with each other. Red boy chilling on mom.
2/27 |
Had a surprise this morning, several of the pups have their eyes starting to open. I also introduced baby cereal to the pups. Some were pleased with it, some not so much. Either way there was some crusty faces and feet. Black boy passed out on the cereal dish. Yellow girl with her eyes partially open. Black boy chewing on mom's foot. Moving around. More movingy around.
2/28 |
Two weeks today. The eyes are getting even more wide open and I can tell that they are hearing things. It's getting noisey when they are hungry or smell mom.
3/01 |
The multi girl is now 3 lbs even, the dark blue boy is only an ounce less. Happy Family .
3/02 |
The multi girl and the dark blue boy are now tied at a little over 3lbs. The smallest is light blue girl at 2lb 8oz. Snoozing .
3/03 |
A big day for the pups. They were wormed today and then moved into their new pen. No more pool for them. New pen ,
Always eating .
3/04 |
Their first night in the big pen went well. Light blue girl got lost at the far end
and was crying a bit. Once I carried her to mom she was happy. It was good to back in bed instead of sleeping on the couch. Multi girl watching mom while crawling on me,
Puppy pile in the corner, Snuggling up to me,
After lunch nap .
3/05 |
Movie day. Black boy playing with a toy ,
Playing around mom , Playing .
3/06 |
Three weeks today. Time for baby cereal and goat milk. Crusty light blue girl ,
Crusty lime girl , Crusty green girl .
3/07 |
Long night in the emergency vet clinic. Trippy has developed mastitis and it seems like it happened within a few hours. She is not feeling well at all and is in pain. After IV fluid and antibiotics she is at least trying to eat. This morning she is still not feeling very good. Sure wish the antibiotics would kick in fast.
3/08 |
The antibiotics never kicked in yesterday and with Trippy's temp going up, we went to the specialist in the Cities. Not good news, Trippy had necrotic mastitis and two teats had to be surgically removed. Trippy spent Friday night at the clinic with surgery just before midnight. Surgery went well and I was able to pick her up this afternoon. She is feeling much better, but very sore. The pups have adapted to lapping up milk with baby cereal and then onto ground up puppy food added to the mix. It's messy and the pups need face washes after eating. Trippy is resting and not worried about feeding the pups anymore.
The crew snoozing with full bellies before I left to pick Trippy up.
3/09 |
Trippy is very sore and spends most of her time sleeping and healing. The pups have adapted to their new feeding schedule and are learning how to lap up their food. Their teeth are just starting to come in, each day they are getting more noticeable. Since Trippy isn't in the pen with them and they can't cozy up to her, we put in a raised bed for them to hide under.
Pup cave
, Pup cave II
3/10 |
Trippy went for a check of her incision, things are going well. She is a little more perky than yesterday but sleeps most of the day. Feeding time is pretty messy. I take 2 or 3 pups into the small pool and give them a dish for their food. It's messy but I can monitor how much each pup eats.
, Cleanup Crew
3/11 |
A quiet day for Trippy and she seems to be feeling a bit better - the tails is going more often and she found a way to chew her rawhide with the cone on her head!
Contented puppy sounds. Their teeth are definitely coming in and there's always someone attacking a sleeping puppy. Jim and red boy , Jim and Lime , Jim and Lime II .
3/12 |
A good day for picutes of the pups. Breakfast Mayhem . The pups want their food and they all want to eat NOW!
Bookkeeping . Even with the chart there is always one pup that "double dips" and gets a second helping. Morning Snuggle , Playing .
3/13 |
4 Weeks old today. Cuddling . Cuddling II , Cuddling III , Cleanup crew . The pups are being fed every 4 hours day and night. It's a two person job to get them fed and my wonderful husband is helping day and night. We are both looking forward to the day when they can sleep all night!!
3/14 |
How to wake up the pups in the morning. Good Morning Pups .
3/15 |
All the pups are over 4 lbs today. Big Blue boy is the biggest at 4lb 13oz and Light Blue Gril is 4lbs even. They have a new potty area and are doing amazingly well learning to use it. It's never too young to start out grand children to socialize the pups. Future Junior Handler .
3/19 |
It's been several days since the last pictures. The pups are doing great, there was a death in the family and the updates were just not possible. The pups have been sleeping in the corner of the pen rather than under the bed. Pile of pups in the corner.
3/20 |
5 weeks old today. The biggest pup is the Teal girl at 5lb 9oz. Red and Dark Blue boys are an ounce behind at 5lb 8oz. The smallest are Light Blue girl and Lime girl at 4lb 12oz. The rest of the pups are right around 5lb 6-7oz. I'll be working on stacks and head shots when they wake up from their nap. We've started moving the feedings out to every 5 hrs and hopefully by 6 weeks it will be 4xday and no more feedings in the middle of the night. They all know their names (color of the collar) and respond to it, even when they are chewing on another pup's ear.
Head shots ,
3/21 |
It gets very noisey at feeding time. Each pup wants to be first and then there are the ones that have already been fed that want more. Hungry Hungry Hippos .
3/22 |
The pups were introduced to garlic doggy bagels and they all figured out what to do. The movie is of lime girl whining while chewing on the bagel. The only thing I can figure out with the whining is that it must taste really good. Tis Tasty .
3/24 |
Some head shots of the girls that were awake. Jim called their name and zoomed in to get a close up of their heads. The rest of the pups were snoozing. Lime , Yellow , Green , Lt Blue , Pink .
3/25 |
Movie day with the pups. Morning People climb , Bagel Time , Tug toy , Tug toy II , Tug toy mayhem .
3/26 |
We are having the pups run over to the feeding pen and jump in after I've washed up their feet. Most of them are getting the idea and will jump into the pool. Puppy I , Puppy II , Pink racing to the food , Full bellies and clipped toe nails .
3/27 |
6 weeks old today. The puppies were weighed and most have gained about 2 lbs since last week. The weights are below. The ounces are hard to determine depending on how wiggly the pup is on the scale.
Color |
Sex |
Birth Wt |
Todays Wt |
Red |
Boy |
15 oz |
7lb 3 oz |
Multi |
Girl |
1 lb |
7lb 5 oz |
Green |
Girl |
15.3 oz |
7lb 1 oz |
Black |
Boy |
14.8 oz |
7lb 3 oz |
Lt Blue |
Girl |
15 oz |
6lb 1 oz |
Pink |
Girl |
14.2 oz |
7lb 5 oz |
Dark Blue |
Boy |
1 lb |
7lb 13 oz |
Yellow |
Girl |
15.3 oz |
7lb 8 oz |
Teal |
Girl |
1 lb 1 oz |
7lb 7 oz |
Lime |
Girl |
13.7 oz |
6 lb 12 oz |
3/28 |
More movies of the pups running to get their food. They now have to get out of the laundry room and go around the corner to get to the pool where the food dish is. Unknown pup , Ms Teal .
3/29 |
Hanging out . The outdoor pen has been setup and ready for tomorrow's 60 degree weather. The way the weather has been, it may be a while before they get outside again.
3/30 |
Hungry pups this morning. In the movie, everyone had already been fed and were whining for more and more. Double Dippers . It finally got warm and dry enough to get the pups outside.
They did well and we were able to take them back inside in groups of 3 or 4 pups. They would follow us and Ellie back into the house. There were a few pups that took excursions into the landscaped area, but eventually made it back into the house. Outside I , Outside II , Outside III , Outside IV , Outside V .
4/01 |
Captured audience. The pups will sit, look and wait as Jim says their name and gives them a nugget of food. Watching .
4/03 |
7 weeks old today. The puppies were at the vet this morning and all received clean bills of health and their first shots. The trip to the vet was ear deafening with several of them (Lime, Lt Blue) that were upset at having to be in a crate. Luckily the ride back was quiet. Tomorrow is the eye appt up in the Cities and the weather sounds like it could be a big problem. We don't need icy/snowy roads and screaming pups to contend with. Tug of War , Waiting for handouts .
Color |
Sex |
Birth Wt |
Todays Wt |
Red |
Boy |
15 oz |
9lb 6 oz |
Multi |
Girl |
1 lb |
9lb 2 oz |
Green |
Girl |
15.3 oz |
9lb 2 oz |
Black |
Boy |
14.8 oz |
9lb 4 oz |
Lt Blue |
Girl |
15 oz |
8lb 6 oz |
Pink |
Girl |
14.2 oz |
9lb 4 oz |
Dark Blue |
Boy |
1 lb |
9lb 6 oz |
Yellow |
Girl |
15.3 oz |
8lb 8 oz |
Teal |
Girl |
1 lb 1 oz |
9lb 2 oz |
Lime |
Girl |
13.7 oz |
9 lb 2 oz |
4/04 |
We made it to the Cities for the eye appointment. The drive up was marginal with a lot of bumpy ice on the roads. The pups were noisy the first 15 minutes and then quieted down. The exam went well and the ride home was quiet and the roads were in much better shape. A busy couple of days for us and the pups. Tug .
4/05 |
Puppy assessment day. Finally done with the head shots and stacks. Lt Blue girl and Black boy will be staying with us. Head Shots , Stacks .
4/06 |
Finally some warm weather and the snow is gone. The pups were outside with marrow bones for nearly 2 hours. I even added another panel of fencing so the pups have even more room to run. I think they were having a great time outside. Outside I , Outside II , Outside III , Outside IV , All Tired out .
4/07 |
Another beautiful day outside. Outside I , Outside II .
4/08 |
A few changes for the pups. The inside pen got a wooden cover for the water container, got tired of mopping up the flood when the herd of pups would knock it over. Had to tape up the tarp as someone found a crease that needed to be chewed on. They had quite the hole going and tape on top kept getting ripped off. The pups are now on dry kibble and are fed only 3 times a day. Tomorrow morning could be very noisy. Someone destroyed Mr. Red's collar. In the first movie he has no collar on, in the rest of them he has a new red collar with silver around it.
Trippy had to have minor surgery again to get the edges of her incision to heal together. She will be a cone head for another 2 weeks and confined to very little activity. But after that she can run the yard with the other big dogs. Big dog envy , Outside II , Outside III .
4/09 |
It was 2am when the pups threw a fit and needed a few kernels of food to tide them over until morning. Tug toy , Hiding from the sun .
4/11 |
8 weeks old yesterday and today is the last day all the pups will be together. One of the boys will be leaving this afternoon. The past 2 nights the pups have slept in until 6 or 7am and no fussing in the middle of the night for food. Good Morning , Morning diversion while I clean the potty area, Morning snooze , Swarming the new toy that leaves food when rolled around. We do feed them regularily but from that video you would never know it. The first puppy left for his new home. The Red boy is now called Blade.
Blade and Family .
4/12 |
Three more puppies are now with their new families. The Green girl is now Murphy. Murphy and Family . The Lime girl is now Gracie. Gracie and her Family . The Teal girl is now Ruby. Ruby and her Family .
4/13 |
It's much quieter here with 4 pups gone. The Pink Girl will be going to my Niece's home in a week or so. Small Audience .
4/16 |
Outside playing waiting for the snow or rain to arrive. Playing , Playing II , Playing III .
4/17 |
9 weeks old today. Miss Multi is now called Piper Piper and her Family . A cold, damp day outside with the pups. No snow around here, but a cold, damp day to be outside with the pups Mr Blue snuggling up with my blanket.
4/18 |
A sunny morning with little wind. Time for the newly fixed tunnel. Tunnel , Rumble in the Tunnel . Later in the day the wind came up and being outside wasn't as much fun 5 cold pups .
4/21 |
Another beautiful day, and the tunnel was out. Tunnel , Tunnel II . Best new toy a plastic bottle . Yellow Girl sitting on the chair, Blue Boy ready to jump off the chair.
4/22 |
The last beautiful day for a while. Trippy is now cone-free and stitches-free. It's been about 6 weeks since her first surgery and she can finally run with the other dogs. Mama Trippy soaking up the sun.
4/23 |
A cold day outside between rain showers. This last trip outside the rain was in the form of ice chunks. Ice crystals on Mr Black. 5 out of 5 pups sleeping my lap warm Time to go in.
4/24 |
10 weeks today. The rain finally let up so the pups could go outside. Playing , Playing II , Playing III . While we were outside the tornado siren went off, the pups were trying to figure out what it meant Siren .
4/27 |
Miss Pink is now Coco Coco and her Family .
4/30 |
Rain, rain go away. The pups were outside for a little while between showers. The pups are getting so big it's hard for them to hide under it, so we leaned it up against the chaise lounge. Hill Climb or Slide? , Hill Climb or Slide II .
5/1 |
11 weeks old today, second set of shots.
The pups are getting big.
Color |
Sex |
Birth Wt |
Todays Wt |
Black |
Boy |
14.8 oz |
19.0 lb |
Lt Blue |
Girl |
15 oz |
17.6 lb |
Dark Blue |
Boy |
1 lb |
19.2 lb |
Yellow |
Girl |
15.3 oz |
18.6 lb |
5/3 |
Finally some sun and the tunnel came back out. Tunnel Time .
5/8 |
12 weeks old today. It was in the 70s outside and the pups were getting hot so I brought out the little pool. This is their first time it's been warm enough for them to get wet. Pool , Pool II .
5/10 |
Miss Yellow is now called Violet and in her forever home.
Violet and her Family .
5/14 |
The pups are now being crate trained and housebroken. I've make a chute from one of the kennel runs out to their play area outside. The pups are now going outside by themselves when they need to potty. Sometimes they don't know to go through the dog door single file Stuck pups . Belle, the Light Blue girl, had to back out so Mr. Black could go through. Chew fest . Ellie has been supervising the pups and enjoying their treats.
6/6 |
Blue Boy is now with his new family. Picture is pending.