Karamar Labrador Retrievers began on December
21, 1993 with the whelping of my first litter on my birthday!! What a birthday
present - 12 little chocolate babies all perfect and everyone healthy. It was a
long evening/early morning for Rokki (Wrangler Rokki Road), my daughters and
myself. By 5 am the next day, all the puppies had been whelped and then the
process of making sure everyone got their fair share of milk began. Rokki was a
good mother and all the pups thrived. I never knew how lucky I was with my
first litter - no whelping complications, no puppies lost or other
complications. The next litter with Rokki's daughter, Jasmine, taught me what
all can go wrong during whelping... but that's another story. Please, now join
us in our photo album.